Dr. Selva Shares Her Experience at FEB UNY

Education is life-long, this expression is always relevant, and this is what Dr. Seloamoney Palaniandy, an educator who visited FEB UNY this month. The educator who is active at the University of Goroka, Papua New Guinea, gave a short lecture to undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral students at FEB UNY. More than 300 students attended the event held in the Auditorium of FEB UNY. The event was moderated by lecturer Nindya Nuriswati Laili, M.Sc. in the session with undergraduate students and by Arum Darmawati, M.M. in the session with master and doctoral students.

In his lecture, Selva invited undergraduate students to improve themselves. The current challenge is Artificial Intelligence (AI) which threatens some professions. “Based on data from the Indonesian Ministry of Manpower, 673,485 out of 8.42 million unemployed people come from college graduates. The issue that now arises is the inability of graduates to get opportunities that match their field of knowledge,” he explained. 

Selva throws around the term, ‘Graduate Marketability’ which he refers to as compatibility to enter the job market. “It can also mean how we make our skills more attractive before recruiters. Meanwhile, ‘Graduate Employability’ is the ability of graduates to get a job after graduation. In other words, the ability of graduates to use their skills and knowledge to get a job,” Selva added.

As for the master and doctoral students, Selva encouraged them to write more and produce quality research. "Good research is an accepted standard that is bound or built upon quality norms widely accepted by members of the academic community," he explained.

According to Selva, several things make a thesis or dissertation flawed. "To mention a few, unclear direction/topic/theme, weak background problems, irrelevant or out-of-date literature, unsuitable methodology and measurement tools, biased statements or mixed personal opinions, citing unknown journals or authors, and chapter arrangements that are not balanced/organized/well intertwined," he continued. (tian/fdhl)